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From Nashville w/Love

The From Nashville with Love zip pouch is the perfect organizing tool for keeping all of your notions tidy!

Grab one!
Doodle Decks

Doodle Decks use flexible mix-and-match chart cards to help you visually arrange and rearrange motifs to design the perfect colorwork project from start to finish. Choose your own individualized adventure and have some fun expressing yourself and you'll end up with a unique, specific-to-you project! And don't worry...there are "base" patterns to get you going so you can get right to the fun stuff!

Get to Doodling!
Cumulus Rainbow

Cumulus Rainbow makes a great, easy blanket! Using two cakes of it, we started knitting from the outside of cake #1 and then continued working cake #2 from the center out, (which keeps the ombre color sequence seamless). Our blanket is 23" wide by 33" long - a perfect size for a car seat baby blanket. 

Taste the Rainbow!
naturally dyed local yarn
Modus Operandi Fibers
available exclusively at Haus of Yarn
Shop All MO Fibers
mo fibers
Cotton Sport
A soft, squishy light weight cotton yarn. 100% organic US grown and spun cotton that washes and wears better and better over time.
Summer Silk
100% raw silk noil, soft and and slightly nubby to the touch, and unlike most silk, a matte look without the silk sheen. A great yarn for spring to summer, giving it it's name.
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